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Lewitacja w praktyce

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  • Postów: 121
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  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
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witam, pragnę nauczyć się lewitować... Czy ktoś może mi przetłumaczyć co tu jest napisane?... A ewentualnie czy ma ktoś jakieś materiały do nauki latania?.... proszę o pomoc....

Levitating The Visual Body

Visual Exercise
Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then See your visual body standing in front of your physical body.

Step Three
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

Step Four
Then focus your mind on levitating your visual body off the ground.

Step Five
Once your visual body is off the ground hold it there for a minute.

Step Six
Then focus your mind on levitating back down to the surface.
Step Seven
Do steps four to six a couple of times before moving on. Then you can open your eyes.

Forest Technique

Visual Exercise
Step One
Get comfortable and relax.

Step Two
Then close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you.

Step Three
Now I want you to go for a walk in this forest you have created.

Step Four
A short time later you come across a clearing. Walk into the clearing.

Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

Step Six
Next see your visual body levitating up off the ground and rising higher into the tree tops and hold your visual body there.

Step Seven
Now reach out and grab a leaf off the tree next to you.
Then see your visual body levitating back down to the ground below you.

Step Eight
Now place the leaf on the ground and fill the leaf with fifth force energy.

Step Nine
Then see the leaf levitating up off the ground and into the air about four feet and hold it there.

Step Ten
Then see the leaf levitating back down to the ground.

Step Eleven
If you want stay in the forest and practice this exercise then do so. If you don't want to stay in the forest just open your eyes.

i jeszcze to....

Levitation is ability to lift yourself or something or someone else off the ground. I will focus here on your own ascension into the air - and the term ascension is very appropriate, because before you manage to ascend your body, you'll have to ascend in consciousness and change the way you look upon the world - from the world of matter to the world of energy or spirit (whatever term you may prefer). Mastery of levitation belongs to the practice of inner alchemy.

If your thoughts are earthbound, so will be your body. If your thoughts are spiritbound, so will be your body. Your thoughts and emotions will determine whether you create gravity pull toward the earth or toward heavens. Your thoughts and emotions affect the energy field of your body.

Throughout history some people have experienced levitation spontaneously, while others have worked hard to develop the ability. Perhaps, some of the most famous spontaneous levitators are Saint Theresa of Avilla, and Saint Joseph of Copertino (the flying monk). Neither one of them have asked for the experience - it happened as a natural outcome of their great devotion to God - an effect of saturating their minds, hearts and entire beings with spiritual contemplation for years. Sorry, if you expect to master this ability in one weekend, don't bother even attempting it. Yogis who have mastered this ability also spent years in spiritual meditation. By the way, yogic techniques where you see people sitting cross-legged and hopping off the ground in hopes of mastering levitation are utterly useless.

Oriental esoteric practices for levitation revolve around mastering the forces of yin and yang (playing with energy or life-force). While the western spiritual traditions are focused on negating the body, oriental practices all begin by mastering the energies within the body. The body, microcosm, is seen as a representation of macrocosm and the entire practice begins with learning to generate energy and conserve it in one's dan-tien (hara) and later use it for whatever purposes and abilities the person desires to develop and express. The practice is extensive and complex and it also requires several hours a day of practice, again for years before you can expect to experience levitation.

While it does normally takes years of dedication to master levitation, the practice you would engage in to get to that point will have many other benefits related to your personal and spiritual development.

Regardless of whether you choose to experiment with simple or with complex methods, the mastery of levitation will require a lot of dedication, practice, patience and persistence. The Mastering Levitation Hypnosis Program is intended to make this whole process easier and help you get into the right state of mind for this practice, as well as to guide you through an easy technique - however it will still take quite a bit of time on your part before you'll experience the results. People who have mastered this ability intentionally took somewhere between 3 - 5 years of daily practice to develop it. New History Generator CD from the Spiritual Alchemy selection will help you to accelerate the process. If you really want to speed up your results, I recommend working also with A Course in Miracles - it will help you to get into the right state of mind.

Levitation Fun Facts About Levitating Saints

St. Joseph of Cupertino
God began to work many amazing miracles through St. Joseph. Over seventy times, people saw him rise from the ground while saying mass or praying. Often he went into ecstasy and would be completely rapt up in talking with God. He became so holy that everything he saw made him think of God, and he said that all the troubles of this world were nothing but the "play" battles children have with popguns. St. Joseph became so famous for the miracles that he was kept hidden, but he was happy for the chance to be alone with his beloved Lord.

» Click here to read more about St. Joseph of Cupertino

St. Theresa of Avila
As she started to pray again, God gave her spiritual delights: the prayer of quiet where God's presence overwhelmed her senses, raptures where God overcame her with glorious foolishness, prayer of union where she felt the sun of God melt her soul away. Sometimes her whole body was raised form the ground. If she felt God was going to levitate her body, she stretched out on the floor and called the nuns to sit on her and hold her down. Far from being excited about these events, she "begged God very much not to give me any more favors in public."

» Click here to read more about St. Teresa of Avila

About Deep Trance Levitation Hypnosis Programs
Hypnosis recording for Levitation will guide you through a simple technique for mastering levitation. Subliminal and supraliminal programming recordings contain suggestions designed to be impressed directly upon your subconscious mind and they are best used in conjunction with hypnosis recording.

Note: This program is not about teaching you a levitation trick as done by street magicians (e.g. David Blaine), usually referred to as Balducci Levitation, which you can learn in about 5 minutes. Just for comparison purposes it took grand-illusionist David Copperfield 7 years just to develop his levitation illusion.

Working with this hypnosis program will most likely require several years of consistent daily practice, though it will depend upon any previous mind-training experience you might have had, and more than anything else - upon your spiritual life and worldview. This program is best suited for those who already know quite a bit about levitation and desire a little bit of additional boost and support with their practice and mind programming.

If you are already practicing methods and techniques for Levitation from any esoteric tradition (i.e. Taoist Alchemy), you can keep on doing them. This program will enhance and speed up your other practice. And do remember: All the power you will ever need to accomplish anything is right within you. Hypnosis programs and any other tools and techniques available in the world are simply intended to help you access and unleash your inner power.
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  • Postów: 316
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Nie licz, że Cię to nauczy, ale potrenować koncentracje i powiększyć świadomość zawsze warto.
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  • Postów: 121
  • Tematów: 7
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja neutralna


muszę poznać całą prawdę o tej sztuce i dużo medytować, ale muszę mieć jakieś psychiczne wzory i kiedy poznam prawdę na temat tego, to ona mnie wyzwoli, unosząc mnie w powietrze....
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  • Postów: 309
  • Tematów: 6
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja zadowalająca


Tłumaczyć łatwo, nawet z podstawowym angielskim, ale nie licz że ktoś Ci przetłumaczy - sam to potrafisz tylko jesteś leniwy

btw. post bardzo ciekawy, chyba spróbuję
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  • Postów: 121
  • Tematów: 7
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja neutralna


wiem, ale potrzebuje żeby mi ktoś wiesz tak całkowicie na polski bo na translate to troche pomieszane to jest... :hmm: :/ ... A u mnie osobiście nauka wygląda tak- relaksuje sie, jak sie zrelaksuje to wstaje i stoje... Gdy tak stoje, próbuje sobie uświadomić że nic nie ważę, i wizualizuje fale odpychające mnie od podłogi... Chyba robie źle bo mi nie wychodzi, albo musze być cierpliwy... Niewiem, nie ma jakiejś książki albo kursów na to?... może trzeba zajrzeć do głębin wtajemniczenia, czy bardzo dużo medytować?.... pomocy.................
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  • Postów: 589
  • Tematów: 24
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja ponadprzeciętna


:| Chyba wiadomo, że nie wyjdzie Ci to za pierwszym razem. Musisz ćwiczyć miesiącami, jeżeli nie latami. Cierpliwość przede wszystkim.
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  • Postów: 2723
  • Tematów: 123
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja ponadprzeciętna


A tak na serio to szane na lewitacje są minimalne... Tylko pojedyńcze jednostki w skali całego świata posiadały owy dar..
Ale pomarzyć zawsze można :)
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  • Postów: 1268
  • Tematów: 19
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 4
Reputacja zadowalająca


:| Chyba wiadomo, że nie wyjdzie Ci to za pierwszym razem. Musisz ćwiczyć miesiącami, jeżeli nie latami. Cierpliwość przede wszystkim.

Moja szkoła :) . I dobrze że nie proponujesz mnie do tłumaczenia :) .

Swoją drogą, jakie jest praktyczne zastosowanie lewitacji ? Wg mnie żadne...
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    pies Darwina

  • Postów: 1034
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  • Artykułów: 2
Reputacja bardzo dobra


Swoją drogą, jakie jest praktyczne zastosowanie lewitacji ? Wg mnie żadne...

A jakie jest praktyczne zastosowanie historii, której uczą w szkole? Żadne, ale zawsze mozna zaszpanowac wiedzą historyczną, tak samo jest z lewitacją...
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  • Postów: 1268
  • Tematów: 19
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 4
Reputacja zadowalająca


Człowiek uczy się historii, aby w przyszłości nie musiał popełniać tych samych błędów, które popełniali jego przodkowie. Uczymy się historii, aby być dumnym z osiągnięć naszych przodków, aby wiedzieć, dzięki komu mamy to co mamy teraz, aby pamiętać o tych, którzy zrobili coś wielkiego...
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  • Postów: 121
  • Tematów: 7
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja neutralna


jak bylem malym dzieckiem bardzo pragnalem sie wzniesc w powietrze mozna powiuedziec ze nawet prawie za tym tesknilem... A teraz gdybym umial, to bym wykorzystywal do szybkiego przemiszczania sie i pomagania w domu :D :D :D ........ Wiem musze cwiczyc i bede cwiczyl, ale to osiagne!!! :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
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Mały Czesiu.
  • Postów: 79
  • Tematów: 9
Reputacja neutralna


A ja sobie latałam ,tylko ,że podczas świadomego snu.
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  • Postów: 1268
  • Tematów: 19
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 4
Reputacja zadowalająca


No ale to się chyba nie odnosi do lewitacji :) ...
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  • Postów: 121
  • Tematów: 7
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja neutralna


sa kursy psychokinezsy, teleobserwacji, kreowania rzeczywistosci, w magi naginanie czasu i znikanie, gdzies indziej jeszcze teleportacja, gdzies indziej superkontrola, ale zeby lewitacji nie bylo?.............. :sux: :sux: :sux:
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  • Postów: 1268
  • Tematów: 19
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 4
Reputacja zadowalająca


Hmm, no cóż poradzić, jakoś niepopularna umiejętność to jest, więc poradników i kursów też nie ma :) .
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