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Teoria Zamrozonego Wszechswiata -reinterpretacja relatywizmu

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Panowie (panie oczywiscie rowniez zapraszam do dyskusji) cofamy sie 100 lat w przeszlosc i analizujemy na nowo relatywizm , big bang i model wszechswiata .


Widzialem poniektorzy krazyli wokol tematu  ...lecz inni specjalisci zgasili ich zapal do myslenia dosyc szybko , a w koncu admin watek zamknal . Chodzi mi o kolege Kuraka <z astropolis forum> ktory glosil ,iz efekt doplera byc moze nie oznaczac musi ruchu lecz ----ROZSZERZANIE SIE PRZESTRZENI .... kolega nie zauwazyl jednak zaleznosci od masy <a przeciez Einstein wspominal wyraznie o wplywie na Fabric of Space -Time > i nierozwinal mysli .

..... Generalna zasada w teori Frozen jest nastepujaca ..zwiekszanie masy ...przestrzen sie rozszerza <balon grawitacyjny> .... przy spadkach kurczy .....

...sam Albert wspominal iz czasoprzestrzen to jedna tkanina ...wiec wplyw na czas <wykryty w rownaniach -SPOWOLNIENIE przy wzroscie> rowniez musi wystepowac ....

...pominietym przez fizykow faktem bylo --PRZYSPIESZENIE CZASU dla masy sie zmniejszajacej

No nic, wiecej w temacie ...po angielsku ....lecz to w dzisiejszych czasach nie problem mam nadzieje .




<subject requires basics of science ->Einstein relativity equations interpretation <--wrong in my opinion as badly analyzed <to much trust in mathematics -not logic > ....all explained shortly below, how easily reality might work in to journey which overturns last 100 years of physics .


"Frozen" Universe >message to Stephen Hawking <ALS "frozen" state">


(Full Relativity Of Space Time)--> FROST.


Story isnt changing any of existing laws or putting something we woudnt know ....(no creation of hypothetic -strings , m-branes ..extra dimmensions -nobody knows where placed...)


Main assumption: Mass=Gravity=Space=Time=Speed

[mass=gravity=bend of fabric of spacetime=velocity abilities]




<Einstein said space-time is one fabric if mass influences /slows/ time(confirmed) ....must have influence on space as well>


Determines in -->-2 possible ways of :


1. increasing





-----> MASS INCREASING [affecting both factors - SPACE and TIME]


a] SPACE ->EXPANDING [expansion of universe /"massive falling in to fabric"]
[pumping of universe baloon]


b] TIME ---> RATE [on clocks] SLOWS DOWN [black hole-time travel -Hawking]
[EINstein -only proper quessed and predicted in theory of relativity]






[affect on space-time]



[not the lenght of the objects as Einstein predicts]
[effects and confirmations QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT"particles behave like there is no space/distance between them"
Cus space conratcts for quantum masses - human peception registers speeds like speed of light for particles=huge distances in short human observer time ]



smaller u are time for you going faster [insects see big masses in a bit slowed rate -[shadow of collosus]
down to --atomic mass we observe huge time rate acceleration [ces vibration , electronics , propability in positioning of particle behaviors
[imagine solar system and planets going around sun 9 bilion times in a second]


---Speed as effect of different ("abyss" in mass comparision)


a) time delay

b) size of space[distances] in its dimmension


<SPEED C as well... is in practice SPACE TIME ,cus says how much distance in which amount of time "Object"<photon> will travel / pass

Speed of photon is "maximal" cus 1. Hes SPACE-distance is contracted -shorter<quicker> travel 2. Time rate will be "acclerated" < it makes same amounts of distances but in much faster rate .


All that of course , because tiny little quantum mass. Two effects interconnected at same moment causes top "observable" C speed of light ever possible. <for such a mass dimmension object> <they living "out of gravity of our world">


---Huge differences in amounts of Mass ->effects :


a) -- Time Freeze ...(huge slowup) ["Hawking disease"]
-for quantum particles as observers


b) -- Time Acceleration .. ( propability ,disability in proper and exact positioning , "effect of inflation"(huge speed nature), wave nature
-for human size observer
Model extends reality as we know now , by showing how huge differences in masses have influence on what we see in quantum Physics
To understand IT we need to be like Copernicus first stop world of MASS(material objects)where we live in ..then put on motion quantum particles ...


Idea of ..why quantum world is completly unpredictable is because there are:

..different clocks for quantum mechanics ...other for matter and mass objects...
.. generally different time for various mass.......
..Mass=Gravity=Tim3(1/t)=Speed (abilities).......


... small mass = small delay in time

...huge mass = huge time slows (depends of amounts)


Lets visualize it ............and stop to near absolute zero "main watch"

...what we will see ...........Frozen (in time) Scientists tryin to catch and calculate particles which are moving with "high speed" and can be (some of them -proper size ) at the other end of universe ..or basicly in many different places (as we see now in sup.posit) same momentum..


....put any TV movie on pause || (macro world is stoped and quantum particle)can move freely all over the room etc............thats how from quantum perspective our world (big scales) looks like.........


...or make a square (like areas where for example nucleus can be found ) border -frame of square symbolizes fence -areas where nucleus canot pass ...
now you observing this frame ...lets put inside a little nicely visible ball with constant little speed....

lets assume constant TIME DELAY FOR BOTH OF YOU .........what we observe ....we observe small ball hitting walls (Arkanoid) ..with nice little speed ..lot of fun
now lets change Time delay for both of us ...if you rise it for observer(us) and , at same momentum decrease it for ball ...what You gonna see ?


FROM OUR POSITION IT LOOKS LIKE THEY "FASTER" THAN US and can be in many places at same time

m=1/t ... t-> v of time flow


"idea of relativity interconnections between - speed ,space ,lenght, time [for particles like neutrino..cus mass so tiny..distances in space relatively "shorter" , at same momentum Time is "ticking" faster>>we observe IT as HUGE SPEED"

General Theory of Relativity acknowledgments FR .... because "frozen world" ; its only addition explainin introducing GR laws in to quantum world .... basicly we treated time on level 0 from our masses like its no difference...... constant then near speed of light all changin ...but if mass by itself bends Einstein's Space-Time[Gravitional T Dilatation]... why so huge diffeerences in masses shouldn't cause similiar [BUT REVERSAL] effects on tiny particles in quantum world

Flies see the world in slow motion, say scientists:



"Differences between Standard and Frozen Model"


Standard Model Own Time Rates dependly of Object Mass :


1. ---> Black Hole [where time rate slows almost up to zero] [huge mass]


2. --------> Object smaller than black hole {star** [rate increases]


3. ---------------------> Human size observer [much higher rate that black hole]


4. ---------------------> Insects [ same rate {according to "official science"**]


5. ---------------------> Atom Nucleus [same rate as Human obsever]


6. ---------------------> Electron [exacly same rate]

.................................................. ......
--------> [Time Rate of Clock In Own Reference Frame]
.................................................. ......

Frozen Universe Time Rates dependly of Object Mass [graph] :


1. --> black hole [where time rate slows almost up to zero] [huge mass]


2. -------> object smaller than black hole {star** [rate increases]


3. -------------> human size observer [much higher rate that black hole]


4. ----------------> insects [ higher time rate compared to humans]


5. --------------------------------> atom nucleus [higher rate than insects]


6. ----------------------------------------------> electron [higher than atom]






Mass influence on Space and Contradiction in Big Bang Theory and Relativity analyse


[Idea that something "erupted" with maximum power(which caused Alans Guth inf-speed)
... than created almost perfectly spread out universe ...and than everything starts to accelerate faster and faster drift apart from eachother[by the vigour of sudden outbreak] at least strange with lack of logic in it .]


[Before..everything existed in much much smaller dimmension as Hawking deduced "came out of nowhere" ]

"were no space"[for our dimmension]-until mass (matter) were made from single particles ..than space occured and after first matter started to pull eachother .... stars, galactics [causing more and more "distance-effect">of moving away{sinking in space-time** from eachother]


{"cold spots" on background radiation may show first "distances" of stretched fabric, when matter became to buildup-[where is hotter -more cold areas near]**


.____. (quantum entanglement effect)


o----------------------o ("cosmological constant")


O-------------------------------------------O (huge distances in space)



Expanding Universe YES , but NOT an Explosion

Explanation why "distance effect" is increasing when mass goes up.Look on practicly same TV experiment they make ->heavy object bend space "goes down" making crater....


__.......................................... _______-
_____...........................____________|==short distance


[in TV presented scenes]material change.. except hard cotton fabric> "the most elastic baloon in universe" .Lets spread it above ..for example.. (as a roof on huge soccer stadium)


Now whats gonna happen,if we gonna throw a soccerball..IT won't do much bend,just a bit [as on picture above]..but now on other side lets get...made of lead very heavy ball in size similar to previous one..whats gonna happen ? It will fall hugely far down and will make a huge crater (stretching of space time fabric causes at same momentum->distance bump up and when that happens objects has minimal power of gravity{which is very strong only on short spaces** to pull galactics on wide ranges[reason why everything not collapsin]


__o....................................................... ____________-
_____............................................__ _____________|
________...................................._____ ___________|
___________............................______ ___________|..huge
_____________.......................__________ _______|..distance
______________..................._________ _________|..advancing
_______________................__________ ________|..when mass
________________............_____________ ______|..increases
_________________........._______________ _____|
__________________......________________ ____|
___________________0___________________ __-


"Falling in Fabric Space"


Black Holes responsible for "galactics dilatation speed up "
Universe like a "growing flower's leafs of galactic bubbles" which came out from tiny space every direction ["fallin" in to fabric of space-time,while mass increases ]


"Bubbles" Of SPACE-TIME caused by Mass[also Sun creates anoter bubble locally ..connected between eachother by Time Tunels -in Black Holes
New Science Theory: The Universe Isn't Expanding, It's Just Gaining Mass
Message to Stephen Hawking
ALS as "frozen state" as an Answer on Theory Unity -GR vs QM



.................................. Relativity analyse.............................


Einstein in theory of relativity didn't analyze what he found in equations [about mass increase, time rate slow down -->when velocity goes up ]


It basicly said/suggested : -


1. Every mass object has a critical Speed Limit not possible to pass


2.Gravitational time dilation mirror effect
(faster you go more curvature of s-t-mass- gravity effect occures)


So Einstein should "discover" that velocity of "The Light" can by reached ONLY BY OBJECTS OF PHOTON MASS / SIZE / DIMMENSION <with zero curvature bend=gravity>


increasing of speed possible only with mass decrease---> [simple conclusion]
Than was obvious ....If mass growth slows time ....REDUCING OF MASS WILL CAUSE TIME RATE ACCELERATION
After that ...... "Sherlock case" was actually simple .....Mass affects Time flow speed .. so It must affect Space also
as Space-Time is the 1 interconnected fabric
[expanding ...when mass rises up]
[contracing ...when mass of the object/particle falls down deeply


Einstein claims here that object, when will reach ->speed of light ->Its lenght contracts .


Frozen Universe suggest :


1. those speeds only




2. Not the lenght of potential object , BUT SPACE CONTRACTS



example: - for photon distance from earth to moon is "shorter"
= accelerated time rate flow
= shorter distance
= humongous speed [reaching Its destination "quicky" in human mass dimmension world of observation].



Ein(1)- stein -- mass increase --> time slows <one correct>
missed :
2.mass decrease -->time accelerates
3.mass increase --> space expands
4.mass decrese -->space contracts <around c , but not as Einstein said lenght of object >





Frozen equation and assumption Mass-Gravity-Space-Time-Speed shows that factors are stricly interconected and depended of eachother...explains -->whats going on in a case of mass variations ,but Frozen also bit differently interprets --> Einstein's analyze when body rocket gets in to "c" speed [on board time slow down/mass effect consequences]

General behaviour a case of................................

1.Mass .........................increase............................decrease

2.Gravity.......................stronger field...................weaker field
....................................higer amount of....................lower
.................further .......gravity baloon ....shorter radius


4.Time rate...................slows down..............accelerates / atoms

5.Top Speed....................drops...................increases. / c for photon

Number5 also inclused claim that for any "body" in a case of speed changes all other factors changes as well


Remember Fermi 2 differently charged photons arrival??

New Discovery about the Fabric of Space-Time:



The one "heavier" with higher charge as result of above assumptions, not only has slowed time rate environment , but as well that mean space/distance is "longer" ..more expanded.. so traveler has longer trip [interconnection between space and time]


So in a case of increase to huge speed WHEN Rocket mass will increase to gigantic amounts ....predicted Einstein SLOWTIME OCCURES......................->FROZEN also shows other view of whats going on in this experiment

If Einstein experiment ROCKET [ traveling between points A and B in space ] would reach almost speed of light
mass would increase almost in to infinity ,but that would also made effect


= from perspective of observer on Earth human will register rocket time rate as slowed .


Few problems Frozen reveals :


1. Short period of first phases of Universe (accelerated environment)


2. Speed of quantum particles = faster time rate= shorter distances to pass <space contracted>


3. Werner Heisenberg and Niels Bohr from 1922 (problems)
<uncertainty , propability , problems with positioning>


4. Amount of vibrations possible to reach in atomic dimmension 9bln hz for ces atom


5. Presence of some particles <bosons> "in many places at same momentum"


6. Equate matter spread over cosmos <same temperature>


7. Reveals mechanism of Universe expansion [not big bang , but "freezeng" of matter = concentration = space expanding <according to main assumption>


8.Quantum entanglement phenomena <at quantum level space contraction for particles -->they behave like "there is no space between them"


9.Shows what Gravity is .As particle faster than anything else = in every
place , continous activity , reaction <faster than light><"out of time">


10. Insects "quicker" response for light beam


11. explained why 2 differently charged photons reached fermi telescope at various time . <as well heavier =more charged = longer distance = slower time rate


12. reveals interconnection between time and space <originally proposed by Einstein>


13. explains origin of space and time -which accordin to theory occured as consequence of mass creation <thats why before "was no time and space"> [ similar to Hawking bad quess ..all came from nothing ]


14.electromagnetism <shorter range cuz contracted ,but milion times "accelerated"


15.universe,sun expansion,Earth 15cm+3 "runaway"(from sun)/time/rotation slowdown =effect of same force>> Mass concentration <and pressure> in the core

same redshift spectrum for expanding sun <red giant> as for "acceleratin, moving ,runaway" galaxies


.........................THE END







Arguments of Physicists on "almost smooth , flat Space and almost exacly Time Rate <same delay> for almost whole bodies in the Universe

{math calculation created by them are treated at same momentum as prove and evidence }


<thats just a tiny part of whole discussion example>


ArkadiusNewcomer  :


- Real Universe is much much more beautiful u can imagine ....even if electron has such a "minimum" [in your opinion] mass ...that doesnt mean ..................electron not laying on fabric and not makes curvature as well .....just only in lower scale of dimmensions .






I don't know what you mean by "minimum mass", the electron has a mass of 9.10938291 × 10^-31 kilograms. That creates a curvature in GR just like any other mass.


Arkadius, I think you're missing a fundamental point here so let me try to explain using some unreal ("toy") numbers:

Suppose the mass of the Sun caused time to slow by 10% and a human slowed it by 1%. The "time rate" for the human would then seem to be 9% faster than the Sun.


Now suppose the mass of a flea caused 0.1% slowing. Relative to the human, it would be 0.9% faster. If the mass of an electron only caused slowing of 0.01%, it would seem to be 0.99% faster than the human. The ultimate would be an object so small that the slowing was virtually zero, and that object would then seem to run 1% faster than the human.


Here are the real numbers again, they are almost 200 messages back in the thread:


# Let's go back to your original question. The amount of
# time dilation at the center of a uniform sphere is given by
# Tc/Ti = 3/2*sqrt(1 - 2*GM/Rc^2)-1/2
# For some objects, I get time dilation rates relative to a
# deep space reference of:
# Sun 0.999,996,805
# Earth 0.999,999,999,01
# Human 0.999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,9
# For a bacterium, there would be about 34 nines and for
# an electron about 44 nines after the decimal. The figures
# are approximate but should be within an order of
# magnitude.


What that means is that no object, no matter how small, can run more than 1.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,1 faster than a human.




"Standard vs Frozen Model of Space -Time CURVATURE" .."flat 2d vs 3d curved" <if anyone knows what curva in latino means>


<graficzna prezentacja idei>

Użytkownik arkadius edytował ten post 08.07.2014 - 12:16

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Możesz wrzucić to po polsku? I z obrazkami a nie tymi zabawnymi wykropkowaniami, które skądś skopiowałeś.

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Możesz wrzucić to po polsku? I z obrazkami a nie tymi zabawnymi wykropkowaniami, które skądś skopiowałeś.


...kurde wlasnie mi sie nie chce tlumaczyc <glupota co nie...ale powaga wciaz czyms zajety> ...po Polsku nie zaczynalem ,bo wyslalem do mnostwa ludzi znanych i mniej i zadnej odpowiedzi ...wiec postanowilem dzialac na wlasna reke .  Zaczelo sie od watku na Cosmoquest ...gdzie mnie zbanowano po jakims czasie z bezsensownych przyczyn




...wiec probowalem na innych forach naukowych .... ludzie jak zamrozeni nie potrafili nic z siebie wykrztusic poza te zo wszystko zle , bo nauka mowi cos innego i tego mam sie uczyc : D


W koncu na forum amerykanskim Davida Icke ...teoria wlasciwe dopiero sie rozwinela ...i wszystkie niemal najwazniejsze etapy zrozumienia odbyly sie wlasnie tam  .


potem byly portale spolecznosciowe ...dalsze wojny itd itd ...dluga historia





Co do samej zawartosci......naprawde to prosty jezyk ale kilka tlumaczen, ulatwien Ci pokaze na poczatek dla latwiejszego zrozumienia



Zapraszam do dyskusji ..jesli cokolwiek byloby niejasne badz nie zrozumiale ..postaram sie odpowiedziec na pytania.


Teoria Frozen mowi, ze wielka masa jest zwolniona /zamrozona w czasie w stosunku do masy minimalnej <Hawking jako symbol-odpowiedz> mniejszy jestes tym time rate sie zwieksza <a tego nie przewidzieli> <mala masa widzi duza spowolniona> <duza mala przyspieszona>


...rowniez Einstein nie zauwazyl <moze zauwazyl ale poprawnie nie zinterpretowal> ze masa rowniez powinna miec wplyw na PRZESTRZEN a tej wlasnoscia jest ROZSZERZANIE BADZ KURCZENIE SIE <w praktyce to mniejsze ugiecie na bardzo bardzo elastycznej tkaninie


1. Rozszerzanie .... ...Koncentrujaca sie masa centrow galaktyk wysyla widmo swiatla przesuniete ku czerwieni ..... a te zjawisko przypomina slonce w jego koncowej fazie gdy te rozgrzewa sie , bo ...zwieksza sie masa -koncentracja rdzenia ...zaczyna ono emitowac swiatlo rowniez ku czerwieni bardziej przesuniete , czyli rozciagniecie fali (wydluza sie)

......Wyjasnialoby to mechanizm ekspansji Slonca ....powolna ucieczke ziemi , ksiezyca <jednoczesne spowolnienie czasu>

rowniez nie Big Bang i ucieczka niesiona sila eksplozji a .....a rozszerzanie sie przestrzeni


2. Kurczenie sie ... pomaga wyjasnic zjawisko splatania , takze duzych predkosci osiaganych przez czastki mas kwantowych, jednoczesne przyspieszenie time rate'u ukazuje model atomu jako "zbyt szybkiego do dokladnego oszacowania" zasadzie ukladu slonecznego w ktorym ziemia obraca sie 9 mld razy na sek dookola wlasnej osi <w watku jest wszystko opisane ,tylko powoli pokolei trzeba wszystko pomalu przeczytac , prosciej sie nie dalo>


...takze jak pisalem prosta zmiana interpretacji czym jest grawitacja i czasoprzestrzen a lista zjawisk ktore mozna dzieki temu na nowo wyjasnic dosyc spora <ostatnie 15 punktow> ... wlasciwie caly relatywizm jest zreinterpretowany na nowo .


Cala teoria nie wprowadza hipotetycznych czastek ,wymiarow,strun, mbran ktorych wykryc nie mozna ....jak wspomnialem opiera sie wylacznie o logiczna analize tego do czego doszedl Einstein




...a...wracajac do analizy relatywizmu...


Einstein zauwazyl , ze przy zblizaniu sie do predkosci swiatla ....masa sie zwiekszy , czas spowolni , dlugosc obiektu skroci


Frozen tlumaczy , ze kazda masa ma swoj limit predkosci ....i jedyna mozliwoscia zblizenia sie do C jest jej redukcja <dlatego dla fotonu predkosci = 360 tys km/s --- predkosc tak ogromna ze wzdlegu na 1. przyspieszony time rate 2. zawezona przestrzen < wyjasnienie idei "jednosci" czasoprzestrzeni" >


...jesli zas zwiekszanie masy czas zwalnialo logicznie ... jej zmniejszanie powinno TIME RATE przyspieszac ...a gdy zwiekszamy sie do C <przestrzen sie kurczy dla swiata kwantowego , nie dlugosc obiektu jak to rownania Einsteinowi zasugerowaly ...przez co mamy splatanie , predkosci itd>


Skoro wiec przestrzen kurczy sie dla masy kwantowej ....dla masy poteznej zatem ...logicznie powinna sie rozszerzac ...tyle

Cala praca nie wprowadza hipotetycznych dark energy czastek , m- wymiarow , strun , bozonow Higgsa itd ...a tlumaczy model wszechswiata skutecznie ..w oparciu wylacznie o interakcje masy , grawitacji, czasu , przestrzeni .

W praktyce fabric <tkanina> of space-time Einsteina jest niemal zupelnie plaska <staly time rate , plaska czasoprzestrzen > ...podczas gdy we frozen ....czasoprzestrzen jest znacznie powyginana , rozciagana itd


Przyspieszenie TIME RATE dla swiata kwantowego <jak dla wielkich mass spowolnienie>

..oraz rozszerzanie <rozciaganie> przestrzeni (ekspansja wszechswiata)...i jej "kurczenie sie" (splatanie) wg znawcow i najwiekszych specjalistow od fizyki ---> "nonscientific crackpot and most stupid idea they ever seen"

Takze reakcje na forach (a raczej ich brak,poza chamstwem) ... nie zaskoczyly mnie zbytnio ,w przypadku gdy nawet profesjonalisci ze stazem 40 letnim --> fizycy

....nie sa w stanie wydusic z siebie nic poza belkotem , ze czasoprzestrzen jest niemal superplaska rozciagnieta <we wszystkich kierunkach> przez rzekomo czarna energie ,wiec czas plynie dla wszystkich niemal tak samo (elektron , atom , insekt czlowiek itd) co dowodem ma byc wzor na dylatacje czasu

[wg naukowcow ..potwierdzone przez nich doswiadczalnie rownanie ...kompletnie wyklucza mozliwosc przyspieszenia czasu <rate'u> ...a dopuszcza jedynie jego spowolnienie ]



"Differences between Standard and Frozen Model"


Standard Model Own Time Rates dependly of Object Mass :


1. ---> Black Hole [where time rate slows almost up to zero] [huge mass]

2. --------> Object smaller than black hole {star** [rate increases]

3. ---------------------> Human size observer [much higher rate that black hole]

4. ---------------------> Insects [ same rate {according to "official science"**]

5. ---------------------> Atom Nucleus [same rate as Human obsever]

6. ---------------------> Electron [exacly same rate]

.................................................. ......
--------> [Time Rate of Clock In Own Reference Frame]
.................................................. ......

Frozen Universe Time Rates dependly of Object Mass [graph] :


1. --> black hole [where time rate slows almost up to zero] [huge mass]

2. -------> object smaller than black hole {star** [rate increases]

3. -------------> human size observer [much higher rate that black hole]

4. ----------------> insects [ higher time rate compared to humans]

5. --------------------------------> atom nucleus [higher rate than insects]

6. ----------------------------------------------> electron [higher than atom]









1. Masa = Gravitacja = Czas = Przestrzen = Predkosc (bede staral sie wyjasniac wszystko pomalu, prosze o zadawanie szczegolowych pytan , w innym wypadku niewiem jak i do czego sie konkretnie odniesc)

czyli kazda ilosc masy wytwarza (pole) sile grawitacji , ktora okresla zalamanie czasoprzestrzeni i max predkosc dana masa moze osiagnac

przykladowo ...zwiekszanie ilosci masy obiektu ...zwieksza zasieg i sile grawitacji ......zalamuje / wygina bardziej "czasoprzestrzenna tkanine" oznacza ze przestrzen sie poszerza , a czas dla obiektu zwalnia


Zgodnie z zalozeniami teorii Frozen .....gdy masa obiektu maleje , grawitacja spada , krzywizna czasoprzestrzenna pomniejsza sie = przestrzen kurczy sie , jednoczesnie czas przyspiesza


Z kolei Model Starndardowy glosi iz ....... przestrzen jest niemal idealnie plaska , czas plynie niema dla wszystkich obiektow tak samo (tzn istnieje jakis staly time rate , ktory jedynie moze byc zmieniony=ugieta przestrzen ---w obecnosci wylacznie masy porownywalnej z czarna dziura.


Standardowy model promuje zatem niemal dwuwymiarowa plaska czasoprzetrzen (rozciagnieta przez rzekoma ciemna energie) ,w ktorej plynie ustalony czas , ktory potrafi jedynie zwolnic <efekt zalamania space-time> , a nigdy przyspieszyc ....podobnie przestrzen -->moze sie wylacznie rozszerzyc badz skurczyc do swej pierwotnej plaskiej formy



(2d vs 3d) <ponizej rysunek>


.... podczas gdy we Frozen owa tkanina jest kompletnie krzywa , powyginana,zalamywana itd = obiekty o roznej masie zyja wg wlasnego time rate'u i wlasnej czasoprzestrzeni



---ponizej fragment z rozmowy na fb-----


..Its from discussion on Einstein Relativity group (analyse and understanding) .....(of course thats just tiny part of whole)


---AN: Real Universe is much much more beautiful u can imagine ....even if electron has such a "minimum" [in your opinion] mass ...that doesnt mean ..................electron not laying on fabric and not makes curvature as well .....just only in lower scale of dimmensions .


ANSWER <from pro physicist>:


I don't know what you mean by "minimum mass", the electron has a mass of 9.10938291 × 10^-31 kilograms. That creates a curvature in GR just like any other mass.

Arkadius, I think you're missing a fundamental point here so let me try to explain using some unreal ("toy") numbers:

Suppose the mass of the Sun caused time to slow by 10% and a human slowed it by 1%. The "time rate" for the human would then seem to be 9% faster than the Sun.


Now suppose the mass of a flea caused 0.1% slowing. Relative to the human, it would be 0.9% faster. If the mass of an electron only caused slowing of 0.01%, it would seem to be 0.99% faster than the human. The ultimate would be an object so small that the slowing was virtually zero, and that object would then seem to run 1% faster than the human.


Here are the real numbers again, they are almost 200 messages back in the thread:


# Let's go back to your original question. The amount of
# time dilation at the center of a uniform sphere is given by
# Tc/Ti = 3/2*sqrt(1 - 2*GM/Rc^2)-1/2
# For some objects, I get time dilation rates relative to a
# deep space reference of:
# Sun 0.999,996,805
# Earth 0.999,999,999,01
# Human 0.999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,9
# For a bacterium, there would be about 34 nines and for
# an electron about 44 nines after the decimal. The figures
# are approximate but should be within an order of
# magnitude.

What that means is that no object, no matter how small, can run more than 1.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,1 faster than a human.



Czyli suma sumarum teoria jedynie inaczej interpretuje, wyjasnia Einsteinowska tkanine czasoprzetrzeni .


Tu jest to graficznie przedstawione :   <nie smiac sie , bo reczne rysunki w 5 min>

Użytkownik arkadius edytował ten post 08.07.2014 - 13:50

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