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Raymond Aguilera

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Raymond Aguilera
proroctwa wybrane (ENG)

Kometa, Nibiru?

2. Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 July 1990.
I see a white Light moving down from the sky between the clouds . I could sense the
Presence of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit .The next image was of an enormous black cloud moving from left to right. Then a massive White Cloud appeared moving from right to left . These two clouds met in the middle and the White Cloud wallowed the black cloud .The next image startled me for I was out in outer space and I could see the planet Earth . Out of nowhere a large hot rock appeared . I could see the black outer surface with its red inner core glowing bright red . As the black rock hit the planet Earth it bounced on the countries , continents, and the state of Texas that I had seen earlier in the visoin. In the next image, I could see the Earth as you see it from outer space. It looked so beautiful with its white clouds and blue green water , I could even see the weather patterns . I don't know from where Jesus Christ came from, but He was standing next to me as I watched the planet Earth. Then all of a sudden the planet disappeared and all I could see was black space. I remember I argued with Christ because the planet just vanished into nothing. He showed me the planet two more times and each time it disappeared into nothing . This really upset me for I kept arguing with Him.Then out of nowhere a new planet appeared, but this planet was three to four times bigger than the planet Earth. It had a bright white light on the outside of it with a dark center .

Kometa, meteoryt, przebiegunowanie, efekt cieplarniany

31. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 91 in tongues, Spanish
Hear Me, My Sons and My Daughters.
This is your God.
This is your God.
He is going to burn the world with a star ,
with a piece,
with a piece of a star .
It is going to burn the world
in a thousand,
in a thousand,
in a thousand and so many years.
Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me!,
in a thousand, and so many years,
in a thousand, and so many years,
with a piece,
with a piece of a star
of the sky,
of the sky.
It is going to come.
It is going to come.
For it is in the Bible , in the Bible, in the Bible. Read the Bible, and you are going to be frightened . You are going to be frightened . There are going to be many earthquakes, many storms , many signs , many signs, the ocean, the ocean is going to move up and down , up and down. Look at the ocean. Look at the ocean, and the ice, and the ice of the oceans is going to move. It's going to move , the ice of the ocean, the ice of the North and the South , of the South. The ice is going to move because I said the signs, the signs are going to be. Because I am your God, I am your God, and what I say is going to be . Because I am your Father. I am your Father.

Kometa? Kryzys energetyczny

110. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 June 1992 at 10:34 AM. Thursday in English.
The Star will arrive at the appointed time, for the Star is on its way. The time for it to come will amaze and astonish the whole world . For the Heavenly Host will be appearing when the Commerce and Oil Finances of the World will be at its peak . The sound of the trumpet will sound in the Heavens and on Earth . For the closing of the trap on the devil will be complete. The Saints that Preserve and that stay Clean and Righteous will meet My Son in the Cloud .


118. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:32 PM. English.
For I am going to shake this Planet off its axis . I am going to turn it upside down and inside out . This Planet is going to be shook up beyond your belief , and see if your god can save you.

Zmiana biegunów magnetycznych?

133. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 July 1992 at 9:30 AM.
In this vision I saw the Planet Earth from outer space from the point of view I had. The Planet's Axis shifted to a more slanted position than before.

Początek końca zacznie się w momencie kryzysu energetycznego (zapasy ropy)

207. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 September 1992 at 7:10 AM. in English. Then the Lord said: "The beginning of the end will begin when the oil stops ."


220. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 October 1992 at 9:40 PM. in English.
The ice of the north will begin to move which will cause the water of the oceans to shift. The land that's near the water will be under water. For the waves that will hit the continent are going to be larger than the mountains you have on the Planet. Look at the water! Look at the wonders and signs that are going to befall this Planet. Look at the ice of the north. For it will begin to move as the axis of the Earth shifts. When the temperature of the Planet rises, the ice of the north will melt and will begin to move The Planet will be Shaken, will be turned upside down and inside out.

Kometa? Pyl pouderzeniowy zakrywa Ziemie?

[b]264. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 1993 at 4:21 PM. in Spanish.

The day is coming that the sky will become black. You won't be able to see a thing for days. For the sky is going to become black with all the filth that's in the World. You won't be able to see the clouds. You won't be able to see the moon. The whole sky will become dark.

[b]Kometa z nieba, bądź przygotowany

[b]337. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 July 1993 at 9:10 PM. in Spanish.

Make yourself Strong for here comes the day of persecution of all that are going to suffer. I want you to go and buy more food, and store it. For you are going to need it. For here comes the day you won't be able to buy food, or anything. For there won't be a thing to buy. I want you to buy food, and things to drink, and wait for the Hammer from Heaven, the Flames from Heaven.
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  • Postów: 55
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A więc nadchodzi czas zagłady. A może zmian na lepsze? Tak czy siak coś nadchodzi...
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  • Postów: 316
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Jest gdzies tego tłumaczneie? mój angielkski jest słaby... :/
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  • Postów: 3467
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  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 108
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Ciezko sie tlumaczy proroctwa ale... przetlumaczylem pare. Jak ktos ma czas moze przetlumaczyc reszte bo chyba warto:

337. Proroctwo dane Raymondowi Aguilera 27 lipca 1993 roku, 9:10, po Hiszpańsku.

Bądź silny, bo nadchodzi dzień prześladownia (w tym miejscu jak ktos moze niech przetlumaczy to zdanie z sensem). Chcę, abyś poszedł i kupił więcej jedzenia i przechował je. Będziesz tego potrzebował. Nadchodzą dni kiedy nie będziesz mógł kupić żadnego jedzenia ani czegokolwiek. Nie będzie rzeczy którą będzie można kupić. Chcę abyś kupił jedzenie i rzeczy do picia i czekaj na młot z nieba, płomienie z nieba.

264. Proroctwo dane Raymondowi Aguilera 14 stycznia 1993 roku, 16:21, po hiszpańsku

Nadchodzi dzień, kiedy niebo zrobi się czarne. Nie będziesz widział niczego przez wiele dni, bo niebo stanie się czarne, z całym plugastwem tego świata. Nie zobaczysz chmur. Nie zobaczysz Księżyca. Całe niebo stanie się czarne.

220. Proroctwo dane Raymondowi Aguilera 2 pazdziernika 1992 roku, 21:40, po angielsku

Lód północy zacznie się przesuwać co spowoduje że woda w oceanach przemieści się. Lądy, które są blisko wody, znajdą się pod nią. Fale, które uderzą w kontynenty będą większe niż góry jakie macie na planecie. Popatrz na wodę! Popatrz na cuda i znaki jakie będą się pojawiać na tej planecie. Patrz na lód na północy. Będzie się przesuwał gdy przemieści się oś Ziemi. Kiedy temperatury na planecie wzrosną, lód na północy będzie się topił i zacznie się przesuwać. Planetą wstrząśnie, zostanie przewrócona do góry nogami i od środka na zewnątrz.

207. Proroctwo i wizja dana Raymondowi Aguilera 11 września 1992 roku, 7:10, po angielsku.

I wtedy Bóg powiedział: "Początek końca rozpocznie się kiedy stanie ropa."
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